Box provides a secure environment for students, faculty, and staff to store and share files and folders.
Teaching with Box
Box offers free, unlimited cloud storage for all Pomona faculty, staff, and students. Users are able to create or upload files and folders, sort and search, share using a direct link, invite others to collaborate, and revise and review files from anywhere.
You can also embed Box links into the learning management system or paste them into a Zoom chat or Slack channel to collaborate on files with your class or colleagues. You might even consider using some of Box’s more advanced features. Sign allows you to send documents to others for a signature while Relay automates workflows for easier collaboration and task management.
Get Started
If you are new to Pomona College, log in to the Pomona College Portal. Locate the Box link to initiate your account. Once your account is created, find the activation message in your Pomona College email and follow the instructions to activate your account.
After you activate your account, you can log in to Box using the Claremont Colleges Single-Sign On (SSO). Upon opening Box, click the Continue button to join as part of Pomona College. You can then sign in by choosing Pomona College from drop down list and entering your Pomona username and password. You may want to bookmark Box for easy access later.
Helpful Resources
We have created and curated many resources to help you use Box.
- Activating Your Account and Getting Started
- Creating Shared Links
- Understanding Collaborator Roles and Permissions
- Box Knowledge Center
- Box University User Courses – Live and Self-Paced
If you need further assistance, ITS-RITG is available to answer your questions or meet you for a consultation. Contact us through the Online Service Desk.