Awardees: Sharon Stranford is a Professor of Biology and Faculty Co-Director of the Institute for Inclusive Excellence, which aims to help faculty and staff further develop their inclusive teaching and mentorship. Sharon’s research interest include studying factors that influence the development of acquired immune deficiency.
Katrina Keil is a Visiting Assistant Professor in Psychological Science and the Director of Prehealth Advising at Pomona. Along with 5 other 7C faculty members, she applied for and received a Hive Course Development Grant to develop an introductory course in Public Health, using human-centered design, to meet the interests of students across the Claremont Colleges. The jointly taught Introduction to Public Health course (Community/Global Health 100.1) debuted in Fall 2023.
Student Assistants/TAs: Nandita Vaidyanathan (CGU ’25)
Title: Creating a Sustainable Structure for an Interdisciplinary 5C Course in Public Health
Goal: The goal of this project aims to create of a video lecture and assignment archive for a new interdisciplinary 5C undergraduate course entitled “CGH 100 JT: Introduction to Public Health,” which introduces undergraduates to the field of public health. Keil and Stranford, along with other faculty from the 5Cs, will capture lectures and in-class activities for each module and plan to edit the video material from the fall into topical lectures. This material will be curated and archived on a platform that all the colleges can access. Students who remain interested in public health after taking this course will be directed to follow-up courses in related disciplines such as math, statistics, biology, psychological sciences, sociology, economics, and politics, after which they may choose to earn a Master’s degree in Public Health.
Project Outcomes: Excitingly, this past fall, course sessions of the new interdisciplinary 5C undergraduate course, “CGH 100 JT: Introduction to Public Health” commenced. Hahn Grant funds went towards funding a CGU technician to parse 2.5 hour zoom recordings of course sessions into useable instructional content that can be archived. The key process of integrating these segments of instructional content into additional course materials is currently ongoing.