Awardee: Adam Pearson, Associate Professor of Psychological Science
Adam Pearson is an associate professor of psychology and teaches and conducts research exploring how psychology and human behavior shape societal responses to climate change. His work has been featured in recent scientific reports by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the US National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, and in a wide range of media outlets such as TIME, The Boston Globe, New York Magazine, NPR, Bloomberg, and The Wall Street Journal. He co-teaches the 5C interdisciplinary course, Climate Change and Human Behavior, with Lelia Hawkins, HMC professor and climate scientist.
Title: New Website Co-Designed with Science Journalists for Public Interest Teaching and Research on Human Dimensions of Climate Change
Goal: To co-develop a website with ScienceSites to increase the impact, reach, and accessibility of both teaching resources and new scientific findings on the human dimensions of climate change, to be applied in PSYC180: Climate of Change: Climate Science, Psychology, and Human Behavior